vineri, 7 februarie 2014

a deep voice or a very suave

"You know"

Alma said in one of our nights of counsel and mysteryâ

”"I have no the exact definition of life
of death nobody has but sometimes it's just like that
you travel
an archaic vehicle or
one modern
in the air on the water on the road of iron or stone
first class or the last class
does not even matter
you travel
others around you talk about all
all but not you
 because you took the air very absent
very blasé and you do not feel
to the window all the beauties of the world 
long are spoiled from prying eyes but not yours 
because your eyes are stuck deep in the floor
you're thinking about a thousand ... 
and the green horses on the walls
now you do not feel
maybe you'll have tomorrow
after a year or two years
you'll see how it sees the world 
and to hell 
everything seems to flow normally

a deep voice or a very suave 
direct increase in your eardrums and says: 
"Please keep calm and 
Prepare your souls for evacuation "

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prin mine timpul se scurge alene sedimentând nisipuri verzi şi galbene albastre se fac delte
la fiecare început de gând
în trupul meu de femeie clepsidră am închis efemerul gustat de celule pe rând
iar clipa ce moare pe inima mea e o pată
cât un grăunte de dor ne-mplinit
dar trupul meu de femeie clepsidrăn-aşteptă
se-ntoarce din vreme furând

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Dublin, Irlanda, Ireland
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